
EC200T-CN 发送短信 CMS 500

Quectel EC200T
Revision: EC200TCNDAR02A15M16

可以用QNavigator 试下,就知道发送的AT指令了。

1 个赞

谢谢, 我试一试

@BiaoWang-Q 您好, 我用了QNavigator, 还是发送失败, 下面是详细的日志

[2024-07-24 09:59:47:836_S:] ATE1
[2024-07-24 09:59:47:895_R:] ATE1
[2024-07-24 09:59:47:895_R:] OK

/* Use AT+CMEE=2 to enable result code and use verbose values */
[2024-07-24 09:59:48:052_S:] AT+CMEE=2
[2024-07-24 09:59:48:112_R:] AT+CMEE=2
[2024-07-24 09:59:48:112_R:] OK

/* Get the baudrate, if the value is 0 (auto baudrate), then it will be set to 115200 (fixed baudrate) to assure reliable communication and avoid any problems caused by undetermined baudrate between DCE and DTE, value of IPR should be saved with AT&W */
[2024-07-24 09:59:48:361_S:] AT+IPR?
[2024-07-24 09:59:48:419_R:] AT+IPR?
[2024-07-24 09:59:48:419_R:] +IPR: 115200

[2024-07-24 09:59:48:419_R:] OK

/* Use ATI to get module information of Manufacturer ID, Device module and Firmware version */
[2024-07-24 09:59:48:468_S:] ATI
[2024-07-24 09:59:48:530_R:] ATI
[2024-07-24 09:59:48:530_R:] Quectel
[2024-07-24 09:59:48:530_R:] EC200T
[2024-07-24 09:59:48:530_R:] Revision: EC200TCNDAR02A15M16

[2024-07-24 09:59:48:530_R:] OK

/* Use AT+GSN to query the IMEI of module */
[2024-07-24 09:59:48:640_S:] AT+GSN
[2024-07-24 09:59:48:700_R:] AT+GSN
[2024-07-24 09:59:48:700_R:] 863763057882622

[2024-07-24 09:59:48:700_R:] OK
[2024-07-24 09:59:48:701_S:] AT+QURCCFG=“URCPORT”,“usbat”
[2024-07-24 09:59:48:763_R:] AT+QURCCFG=“URCPORT”,“usbat”
[2024-07-24 09:59:48:763_R:] OK

/* Use AT+CPIN? to query the SIM card status : SIM card inserted or not, locked or unlocked */
[2024-07-24 09:59:49:288_S:] AT+CPIN?
[2024-07-24 09:59:49:349_R:] AT+CPIN?
[2024-07-24 09:59:49:349_R:] +CPIN: READY

[2024-07-24 09:59:49:349_R:] OK

/* Use AT+CIMI to query the IMSI of SIM card */
[2024-07-24 09:59:49:474_S:] AT+CIMI
[2024-07-24 09:59:49:535_R:] AT+CIMI
[2024-07-24 09:59:49:535_R:] 460110731080588

[2024-07-24 09:59:49:535_R:] OK

/* Use AT+QCCID to query ICCID number of SIM card */
[2024-07-24 09:59:49:692_S:] AT+QCCID
[2024-07-24 09:59:49:751_R:] AT+QCCID
[2024-07-24 09:59:49:751_R:] +QCCID: 89860316140283745549

[2024-07-24 09:59:49:751_R:] OK

/* Use AT+CSQ to query current signal quality */
[2024-07-24 09:59:49:801_S:] AT+CSQ
[2024-07-24 09:59:49:860_R:] AT+CSQ
[2024-07-24 09:59:49:860_R:] +CSQ: 23,99

[2024-07-24 09:59:49:860_R:] OK

/* Use AT+CREG? /AT+CGREG? to query the network registration status. */
[2024-07-24 09:59:49:861_S:] AT+CREG?
[2024-07-24 09:59:49:923_R:] AT+CREG?
[2024-07-24 09:59:49:923_R:] +CREG: 0,1

[2024-07-24 09:59:49:923_R:] OK
[2024-07-24 09:59:49:939_S:] AT+CGREG?
[2024-07-24 09:59:50:001_R:] AT+CGREG?
[2024-07-24 09:59:50:001_R:] +CGREG: 0,1

[2024-07-24 09:59:50:001_R:] OK

/* Use AT+COPS? to query current Network Operator */
[2024-07-24 09:59:50:048_S:] AT+COPS?
[2024-07-24 09:59:50:108_R:] AT+COPS?
[2024-07-24 09:59:50:108_R:] +COPS: 0,0,“CHN-CT”,7

[2024-07-24 09:59:50:108_R:] OK

/Use AT+CEREG? to query current EPS Network Registration Status/
[2024-07-24 09:59:50:155_S:] AT+CEREG?
[2024-07-24 09:59:50:217_R:] AT+CEREG?
[2024-07-24 09:59:50:217_R:] +CEREG: 0,1

[2024-07-24 09:59:50:217_R:] OK
[2024-07-24 09:59:50:263_S:] AT+CLVL=?
[2024-07-24 09:59:50:325_R:] AT+CLVL=?
[2024-07-24 09:59:50:325_R:] +CLVL: (0-5)

[2024-07-24 09:59:50:325_R:] OK

/* use AT+CPIN? to query the SIM card status : SIM card inserted or not, locked or unlocked */
[2024-07-24 09:59:55:634_S:] AT+CPIN?
[2024-07-24 09:59:55:689_R:] AT+CPIN?
[2024-07-24 09:59:55:689_R:] +CPIN: READY

[2024-07-24 09:59:55:689_R:] OK

/Use AT+CEREG? to query current EPS Network Registration Status/
[2024-07-24 09:59:55:691_S:] AT+CEREG?
[2024-07-24 09:59:55:751_R:] AT+CEREG?
[2024-07-24 09:59:55:751_R:] +CEREG: 0,1

[2024-07-24 09:59:55:751_R:] OK

/* use AT+CSQ to query current signal quality */
[2024-07-24 09:59:55:798_S:] AT+CSQ
[2024-07-24 09:59:55:862_R:] AT+CSQ
[2024-07-24 09:59:55:862_R:] +CSQ: 23,99

[2024-07-24 09:59:55:862_R:] OK

/* use AT+CREG? /AT+CGREG? to query the network registration status, if the return value is [0,1] or [0,5], it is successfully registered, other value is fail to register */
[2024-07-24 09:59:55:866_S:] AT+CREG?
[2024-07-24 09:59:55:923_R:] AT+CREG?
[2024-07-24 09:59:55:923_R:] +CREG: 0,1

[2024-07-24 09:59:55:923_R:] OK
[2024-07-24 09:59:55:925_S:] AT+CGREG?
[2024-07-24 09:59:55:987_R:] AT+CGREG?
[2024-07-24 09:59:55:987_R:] +CGREG: 0,1

[2024-07-24 09:59:55:987_R:] OK

/Use AT+CSCA? to query Service Center Address/
[2024-07-24 09:59:55:989_S:] AT+CSCA?
[2024-07-24 09:59:56:049_R:] AT+CSCA?
[2024-07-24 09:59:56:049_R:] +CSCA: “+316540942000”,145

[2024-07-24 09:59:56:049_R:] OK

/* Use ATE1 to enable echo mode */
[2024-07-24 09:59:58:160_S:] ATE1
[2024-07-24 09:59:58:226_R:] ATE1
[2024-07-24 09:59:58:226_R:] OK

/* use AT+CPIN? to query the SIM card status : SIM card inserted or not, locked or unlocked */
[2024-07-24 09:59:58:242_S:] AT+CPIN?
[2024-07-24 09:59:58:302_R:] AT+CPIN?
[2024-07-24 09:59:58:302_R:] +CPIN: READY

[2024-07-24 09:59:58:302_R:] OK

/* Use AT+CMGF=1 to set text mode */
[2024-07-24 09:59:58:305_S:] AT+CMGF=1
[2024-07-24 09:59:58:365_R:] AT+CMGF=1
[2024-07-24 09:59:58:365_R:] OK

/* Use AT+CSMP to set SMS parameter for text mode (default setting: AT+CSMP=17,167,0,0) */
[2024-07-24 09:59:58:367_S:] AT+CSMP=17,167,0,0
[2024-07-24 09:59:58:429_R:] AT+CSMP=17,167,0,0
[2024-07-24 09:59:58:429_R:] OK

/* Use AT+CSCS to set character type (default setting:AT+CSCS=“GSM”) */
[2024-07-24 09:59:58:431_S:] AT+CSCS=“GSM”
[2024-07-24 09:59:58:490_R:] AT+CSCS=“GSM”
[2024-07-24 09:59:58:490_R:] OK

/* AT+CMGS=“18655101165”, and then wait for the">" appears, input your message after the “>”, use <CTRL+Z> or 1A (HEX String) to send a message,when receive +CMGS: and OK , means the message has been sent successfully. */
[2024-07-24 09:59:58:494_S:] AT+CMGS=“18655101165”
[2024-07-24 09:59:58:553_R:] AT+CMGS=“18655101165”
[2024-07-24 09:59:58:553_R:] > hello
[2024-07-24 09:59:58:679_R:] +CMS ERROR: unknown error

/* if send message fail , you may need to check the SIM states, the network states, the receiver number,the SMSC is right or not ,then try to send message again */


好的, 谢谢解答

