--------- beginning of radio 01-01 08:00:15.004 D/RadioMonitor( 543): add property_get check 01-01 08:00:15.004 D/RadioMonitor( 543): platform = false 01-01 08:00:15.004 D/RadioMonitor( 543): platform: wifi-only 01-01 08:00:15.004 D/RadioMonitor( 543): RadioMonitor starting sleep loop 01-01 08:00:15.008 I/RadioMonitor( 543): radio_monitor_thread run 01-01 08:00:15.096 I/RadioMonitor( 543): change coldboot to /sys/bus/usb/devices 01-01 08:00:15.103 D/RILD ( 545): **RIL Daemon Started** 01-01 08:00:15.103 D/RILD ( 545): **RILd param count=3** 01-01 08:00:15.117 D/RILD ( 545): RIL_Init argc = 4 clientId = 0 01-01 08:00:15.118 D/RILC ( 545): Quectel RIL Version: Quectel_Android_RIL_Driver_V3.6.24_master_Release_20231211_10_47 01-01 08:00:15.119 D/RILC ( 545): [ro.build.version.release]: [13] 01-01 08:00:15.119 D/RILC ( 545): Android Version: 130, RIL_VERSION: 12 / 12 01-01 08:00:15.119 E/RILC ( 545): '/vendor/manifest.xml' not exist. 01-01 08:00:15.119 D/RILC ( 545): __getIRadioVersion:673 IRadioVersion:5 01-01 08:00:15.119 D/RILC ( 545): [ro.build.description]: [a523_s10_arm64-userdebug 13 TQ2A.230405.003.B2 eng.yyf.20240701.102517 test-keys] 01-01 08:00:15.119 D/RILC ( 545): [ro.hardware]: [sun55iw3p1] 01-01 08:00:15.119 D/RILC ( 545): selinux maybe set Enforcing mode, use command getenforce to check 01-01 08:00:15.119 D/RILC ( 545): selinux maybe set Enforcing mode, use command "setenforce 0" to disable 01-01 08:00:15.119 I/RILC ( 545): Opening tty device /dev/ttyUSB2 01-01 08:00:15.119 I/RILC ( 545): clientID = 0 01-01 08:00:15.119 D/RILC ( 545): hardware/rild/rild.c tell me /dev/ttyUSB2 is AT port 01-01 08:00:15.119 D/RILC ( 545): but it does not exist, access device /dev/ttyUSB2 error for No such file or directory 01-01 08:00:15.119 D/RILC ( 545): if you access module by UART interface, this error ususally means critical mistake! 01-01 08:00:15.119 D/RILC ( 545): if you access module by USB interface, i will ingore it, for Quectel RIL will auto detect AT and PPP ports 01-01 08:00:15.120 D/RILD ( 545): RIL_Init rilInit completed 01-01 08:00:15.120 I/RILC ( 545): SIM_COUNT: 1 01-01 08:00:15.120 D/RILC ( 545): RIL_register: RIL version 12 01-01 08:00:15.120 I/RILC ( 545): s_registerCalled flag set, 1 01-01 08:00:15.120 D/RILC ( 545): sim i = 0 registering ... 01-01 08:00:15.120 D/RILC ( 545): registerService: initializing power state to POWER_UP 01-01 08:00:15.120 D/RILC ( 545): registerService: starting android::hardware::radio::V1_6::IRadio slot1 for slot 0 01-01 08:00:15.120 D/RILC ( 545): Publishing android.hardware.radio.data.IRadioData/slot1 01-01 08:00:15.121 I/RILC ( 545): mainLoop Start 01-01 08:00:15.122 D/RILU ( 545): find_pci_device is 0 01-01 08:00:15.122 D/RILC ( 545): PCI can't find at device 01-01 08:00:15.122 D/RILC ( 545): Publishing android.hardware.radio.messaging.IRadioMessaging/slot1 01-01 08:00:15.123 D/RILC ( 545): Publishing android.hardware.radio.modem.IRadioModem/slot1 01-01 08:00:15.124 D/RILC ( 545): Publishing android.hardware.radio.network.IRadioNetwork/slot1 01-01 08:00:15.125 D/RILC ( 545): Publishing android.hardware.radio.sim.IRadioSim/slot1 01-01 08:00:15.126 D/RILC ( 545): Publishing android.hardware.radio.voice.IRadioVoice/slot1 01-01 08:00:15.130 D/RILC ( 545): USB can't find at device 01-01 08:00:15.130 D/RILC ( 545): registerService: OemHook is enabled = false 01-01 08:00:15.130 I/RILC ( 545): RILHIDL called registerService 01-01 08:00:15.130 D/RILC ( 545): Entry registerConfigService 01-01 08:00:15.130 D/RILC ( 545): registerConfigService: starting V1_2::IConfigRadio default 01-01 08:00:15.131 D/RILC ( 545): registerConfigService addService: status 0 01-01 08:00:15.131 D/RILD ( 545): RIL_Init RIL_register completed 01-01 08:00:15.131 D/RILD ( 545): RIL_register_socket started 01-01 08:00:15.131 D/RIL_UIM_SOCKET( 545): Adding socket with id: 0 01-01 08:00:15.131 I/RILC ( 545): RIL_register_socket: calling registerService 01-01 08:00:15.131 D/RIL_SAP ( 545): registerService: starting ISap slot1 for slotId 0 01-01 08:00:15.182 D/RIL_SAP ( 545): registerService: started ISap slot1 status 0 01-01 08:00:15.182 D/RILD ( 545): RIL_register_socket completed 01-01 08:00:16.124 D/RILC ( 545): dlopen /vendor/lib64/hw/radio.quectel.module.so failed: dlopen failed: library "/vendor/lib64/hw/radio.quectel.module.so" not found 01-01 08:00:16.124 D/RILC ( 545): start the service through api... 01-01 08:00:16.124 D/RILC ( 545): ql_radio_config_init start 01-01 08:00:16.124 E/RadioConfigFactory( 545): '/vendor/manifest.xml' not exist. 01-01 08:00:16.124 D/RadioConfigImpl( 545): RadioConfigImpl() 01-01 08:00:16.124 D/RadioConfigImpl_1_2( 545): RadioConfigImpl_1_2:registerAsService(default) 01-01 08:00:16.125 D/RadioConfigFactory( 545): radio_config_register_service status=-2147483648 01-01 08:00:16.125 D/RILC ( 545): ql_radio_config_init finish 01-01 08:00:16.125 D/RILC ( 545): ql_radio_sap_init start 01-01 08:00:16.125 D/RIL_SAP_1_2( 545): ql_radio_sap_init() start. 01-01 08:00:16.127 D/RIL_SAP_1_2( 545): radio_sap_register_service status=0 01-01 08:00:16.127 D/RILC ( 545): ql_radio_sap_init finish 07-01 18:32:58.579 D/TelephonyRegistry( 445): listen oscl: mHasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 07-01 18:32:59.093 D/RILU ( 545): find_pci_device is 0 07-01 18:32:59.094 D/RILC ( 545): PCI can't find at device 07-01 18:32:59.095 D/RILC ( 545): USB can't find at device 07-01 18:32:59.320 D/TelephonyRegistry( 445): listen oscl: mHasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 07-01 18:32:59.460 D/TelephonyRegistry( 445): listen oscl: mHasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 07-01 18:32:59.466 D/TelephonyRegistry( 445): listen oscl: mHasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 07-01 18:33:00.136 D/TelephonyRegistry( 445): systemRunning register for intents 07-01 18:33:00.359 D/TelephonyRegistry( 445): listen oscl: mHasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 07-01 18:33:00.682 D/TelephonyRegistry( 445): listen oscl: mHasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 07-01 18:33:00.956 W/CarrierConfigManager( 789): Error getting config for subId -1 ICarrierConfigLoader is null 07-01 18:33:00.977 D/TelephonyRegistry( 445): listen oscl: mHasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 07-01 18:33:01.374 W/CarrierConfigManager( 789): Error getting config for subId -1 ICarrierConfigLoader is null 07-01 18:33:01.377 W/CarrierConfigManager( 789): Error getting config for subId -1 ICarrierConfigLoader is null 07-01 18:33:01.391 D/TelephonyRegistry( 445): listen oscl: mHasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 07-01 18:33:01.994 W/CarrierConfigManager( 975): Error getting config for subId -1 ICarrierConfigLoader is null 07-01 18:33:02.096 D/RILU ( 545): find_pci_device is 0 07-01 18:33:02.096 D/RILC ( 545): PCI can't find at device 07-01 18:33:02.098 D/RILC ( 545): USB can't find at device 07-01 18:33:04.190 D/TelephonyRegistry( 445): listen oscl: mHasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 07-01 18:33:04.291 D/TelephonyComponentFactory( 1252): validated paths: null 07-01 18:33:04.291 D/TelephonyComponentFactory( 1252): Total components injected: 0 07-01 18:33:04.292 D/TDC ( 1252): updateOrInsert: inserting: Modem { uuid=modem, state=0, rilModel=0, rat={}, maxActiveVoiceCall=1, maxActiveDataCall=1, maxStandby=1 } 07-01 18:33:04.292 D/TDC ( 1252): updateOrInsert: inserting: Sim { uuid=sim, modemUuid=modem, state=0 } 07-01 18:33:04.304 D/PersistAtomsStorage( 1252): PersistAtoms file not found 07-01 18:33:04.314 D/PersistAtomsStorage( 1252): created new PersistAtoms 07-01 18:33:04.332 D/MetricsCollector( 1252): registered 07-01 18:33:04.337 D/CdmaSSM ( 1252): subscriptionSource from settings: 0 07-01 18:33:04.337 I/PhoneFactory( 1252): Cdma Subscription set to 0 07-01 18:33:04.337 I/PhoneFactory( 1252): Network Mode set to 0 07-01 18:33:04.338 D/RILJ ( 1252): RIL: init allowedNetworkTypes=50055 cdmaSubscription=0) [PHONEnull] 07-01 18:33:04.380 D/RILJ ( 1252): Radio HAL version: 2.0 [PHONE0] 07-01 18:33:04.382 D/UiccController( 1252): Creating UiccController 07-01 18:33:04.382 D/UiccController( 1252): config_num_physical_slots = 1 07-01 18:33:04.426 D/PinStorage( 1252): KeyStore: alias PinStorage_longTerm_always_key exists 07-01 18:33:04.426 D/PinStorage( 1252): onDeviceReady 07-01 18:33:04.434 D/PinStorage( 1252): KeyStore: alias PinStorage_shortTerm_key does not exist - Nothing to do 07-01 18:33:04.459 W/CarrierConfigManager( 975): Error getting config for subId -1 ICarrierConfigLoader is null 07-01 18:33:04.465 I/PhoneFactory( 1252): Creating SubscriptionController 07-01 18:33:04.489 I/PhoneFactory( 1252): Creating Phone with type = 1 phoneId = 0 07-01 18:33:04.490 D/TelephonyTester( 1252): register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.action_detached 07-01 18:33:04.491 D/TelephonyTester( 1252): register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.action_attached 07-01 18:33:04.491 D/TelephonyTester( 1252): register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.TestServiceState 07-01 18:33:04.491 D/TelephonyTester( 1252): register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.TestChangeNumber 07-01 18:33:04.562 D/Phone ( 1252): mDoesRilSendMultipleCallRing=true 07-01 18:33:04.563 D/Phone ( 1252): mCallRingDelay=3000 07-01 18:33:04.583 D/RILJ ( 1252): startLceService: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED 07-01 18:33:04.587 D/SmsDispatchersController( 1252): SmsDispatchersController created 07-01 18:33:04.593 D/SMSDispatcher( 1252): SMSDispatcher: ctor mSmsCapable=false format=unknown mSmsSendDisabled=true 07-01 18:33:04.604 D/SMSDispatcher( 1252): SMSDispatcher: ctor mSmsCapable=false format=3gpp2 mSmsSendDisabled=true 07-01 18:33:04.605 D/CdmaSMSDispatcher( 1252): CdmaSMSDispatcher created 07-01 18:33:04.669 D/GsmInboundSmsHandler( 1252): created InboundSmsHandler 07-01 18:33:04.672 D/GsmInboundSmsHandler( 1252): StartupState.enter: entering StartupState 07-01 18:33:04.698 D/CdmaInboundSmsHandler( 1252): created InboundSmsHandler 07-01 18:33:04.710 D/CdmaInboundSmsHandler( 1252): StartupState.enter: entering StartupState 07-01 18:33:04.712 D/SMSDispatcher( 1252): SMSDispatcher: ctor mSmsCapable=false format=3gpp mSmsSendDisabled=true 07-01 18:33:04.712 D/GsmSMSDispatcher( 1252): GsmSMSDispatcher created 07-01 18:33:04.763 D/GsmInboundSmsHandler( 1252): StartupState.processMessage: processing EVENT_START_ACCEPTING_SMS 07-01 18:33:04.763 D/GsmInboundSmsHandler( 1252): IdleState.enter: entering IdleState 07-01 18:33:04.764 D/GsmInboundSmsHandler( 1252): IdleState.processMessage: processing EVENT_RELEASE_WAKELOCK 07-01 18:33:04.768 D/CdmaSSM ( 1252): subscriptionSource from settings: 0 07-01 18:33:04.768 D/CdmaSSM ( 1252): cdmaSSM constructor: 0 07-01 18:33:04.773 D/CdmaInboundSmsHandler( 1252): StartupState.processMessage: processing EVENT_START_ACCEPTING_SMS 07-01 18:33:04.774 D/CdmaInboundSmsHandler( 1252): IdleState.enter: entering IdleState 07-01 18:33:04.774 D/CdmaInboundSmsHandler( 1252): IdleState.processMessage: processing EVENT_RELEASE_WAKELOCK 07-01 18:33:04.777 W/CarrierConfigManager( 1252): Error getting config for subId -1 ICarrierConfigLoader is null 07-01 18:33:04.777 D/SmsBroadcastUndelivered( 1252): scanning raw table for undelivered messages 07-01 18:33:04.779 D/GsmInboundSmsHandler( 1252): IdleState.processMessage: EVENT_RELEASE_WAKELOCK: mWakeLock released 07-01 18:33:04.780 D/CdmaInboundSmsHandler( 1252): IdleState.processMessage: EVENT_RELEASE_WAKELOCK: mWakeLock released 07-01 18:33:04.784 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1252): [0] Precise phone type 1 07-01 18:33:04.784 D/RILJ ( 1252): setPhoneType=1 old value=0 [PHONE0] 07-01 18:33:04.811 D/CarrierActionAgent( 1252): [0]Creating CarrierActionAgent 07-01 18:33:04.812 W/CarrierConfigManager( 1252): Error getting config for subId -1 ICarrierConfigLoader is null 07-01 18:33:04.815 D/ANM-0 ( 1252): operates in AP-assisted mode. 07-01 18:33:04.828 W/CarrierConfigManager( 1252): Error getting config for subId -1 ICarrierConfigLoader is null 07-01 18:33:04.836 W/CarrierConfigManager( 1252): Error getting config for subId -1 ICarrierConfigLoader is null 07-01 18:33:04.837 D/TelephonyRegistry( 445): listen oscl: mHasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 07-01 18:33:04.842 D/NRM-C-0 ( 1252): registerForNetworkRegistrationInfoChanged 07-01 18:33:04.844 D/NRM-I-0 ( 1252): registerForNetworkRegistrationInfoChanged 07-01 18:33:04.869 D/SST ( 1252): [0] notifyVoiceRegStateRilRadioTechnologyChanged: vrs=1 rat=0 07-01 18:33:04.874 D/TelephonyRegistry( 445): listen oscl: mHasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 07-01 18:33:04.886 D/Phone ( 1252): [0] SubId-1,get allowed network types user: value = GPRS|EDGE|UMTS|HSDPA|HSUPA|HSPA|HSPA+|GSM 07-01 18:33:04.896 W/CarrierConfigManager( 1252): Error getting config for subId -1 ICarrierConfigLoader is null 07-01 18:33:04.934 D/EmergencyNumberTracker( 1252): asset emergency database is loaded. Ver: 1 Phone Id: 0 07-01 18:33:04.936 E/EmergencyNumberTracker( 1252): Cache ota emergency database IOException: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/misc/emergencynumberdb/emergency_number_db: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) 07-01 18:33:04.937 D/EmergencyNumberTracker( 1252): Using Asset Emergency database. Version: 1 07-01 18:33:04.974 D/DNC-0 ( 1252): DataNetworkController created. 07-01 18:33:04.998 W/CarrierConfigManager( 1252): Error getting config for subId -1 ICarrierConfigLoader is null 07-01 18:33:05.020 W/CarrierConfigManager( 1252): Error getting config for subId -1 ICarrierConfigLoader is null 07-01 18:33:05.023 W/CarrierConfigManager( 1252): Error getting config for subId -1 ICarrierConfigLoader is null 07-01 18:33:05.033 W/CarrierConfigManager( 1252): Error getting config for subId -1 ICarrierConfigLoader is null 07-01 18:33:05.048 W/CarrierConfigManager( 1252): Error getting config for subId -1 ICarrierConfigLoader is null 07-01 18:33:05.050 W/CarrierConfigManager( 1252): Error getting config for subId -1 ICarrierConfigLoader is null 07-01 18:33:05.051 W/CarrierConfigManager( 1252): Error getting config for subId -1 ICarrierConfigLoader is null 07-01 18:33:05.052 E/DSM-I-0 ( 1252): Can't find the binding package 07-01 18:33:05.053 D/DCM-0 ( 1252): DataConfigManager created. 07-01 18:33:05.056 W/CarrierConfigManager( 1252): Error getting config for subId -1 ICarrierConfigLoader is null 07-01 18:33:05.077 D/DCM-0 ( 1252): Carrier config updated. Config is not carrier specific. 07-01 18:33:05.081 D/DSMGR-0 ( 1252): DataSettingsManager created. 07-01 18:33:05.092 D/DSRM-0 ( 1252): DataStallRecoveryManager created. 07-01 18:33:05.095 D/CarrierResolver( 1252): Creating CarrierResolver[0] 07-01 18:33:05.099 D/RILU ( 545): find_pci_device is 0 07-01 18:33:05.099 D/RILC ( 545): PCI can't find at device 07-01 18:33:05.122 D/SST ( 1252): [0] notifyVoiceRegStateRilRadioTechnologyChanged: vrs=1 rat=0 07-01 18:33:05.138 I/GsmCdmaPhone( 1252): [0] updateTtyMode ttyMode=0 07-01 18:33:05.141 I/GsmCdmaPhone( 1252): [0] updateUiTtyMode ttyMode=0 07-01 18:33:05.141 D/CallManager( 1252): registerPhone(GSM Handler (com.android.internal.telephony.GsmCdmaPhone) {707deac}) 07-01 18:33:05.144 D/TelephonyRegistry( 445): listen oscl: mHasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 07-01 18:33:05.144 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1252): [0] GsmCdmaPhone: constructor: sub = 0 07-01 18:33:05.145 I/PhoneFactory( 1252): defaultSmsApplication: NONE 07-01 18:33:05.161 I/PhoneFactory( 1252): Creating SubInfoRecordUpdater 07-01 18:33:05.165 D/SubscriptionInfoUpdater( 1252): Constructor invoked 07-01 18:33:05.179 I/PhoneFactory( 1252): IMS is not supported on this device, skipping ImsResolver. 07-01 18:33:05.183 D/RILU ( 545): find quectel module /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-1.2 idVendor=2c7c idProduct=0125 07-01 18:33:05.183 D/RILU ( 545): find_usb_device is 1 07-01 18:33:05.187 D/TelephonyRegistry( 445): listen oscl: mHasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 07-01 18:33:05.191 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1252): PhoneSwitcher started 07-01 18:33:05.192 D/ProxyController( 1252): Constructor - Enter 07-01 18:33:05.199 D/ProxyController( 1252): clearTransaction 07-01 18:33:05.199 D/ProxyController( 1252): clearTransaction: phoneId=0 status=IDLE 07-01 18:33:05.199 D/ProxyController( 1252): Constructor - Exit 07-01 18:33:05.213 D/TelephonyRegistry( 445): listen oscl: mHasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 07-01 18:33:05.215 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1252): Registering NetworkFactory 07-01 18:33:05.220 D/SmsBroadcastUndelivered( 1252): finished scanning raw table in 442 ms 07-01 18:33:05.259 D/TelephonyRegistry( 445): listen oscl: mHasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 07-01 18:33:05.260 D/CallManager( 1252): registerForMmiComplete 07-01 18:33:05.281 D/TelephonyRegistry( 445): listen oscl: mHasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 07-01 18:33:05.291 D/UiccController( 1252): handleMessage: Received RADIO_UNAVAILABLE for phoneId 0 07-01 18:33:05.291 D/UiccController( 1252): EVENT_RADIO_UNAVAILABLE, dispose card 07-01 18:33:05.300 D/Phone ( 1252): config LCE service failed: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED 07-01 18:33:05.301 W/FeatureConnector( 1252): [ImsSmsDispatcher, 0] connect: not supported. 07-01 18:33:05.302 D/GsmSMSDispatcher( 1252): GsmSMSDispatcher: subId = -1 slotId = 0 07-01 18:33:05.302 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1252): [0] Event EVENT_RADIO_OFF_OR_NOT_AVAILABLE Received 07-01 18:33:05.302 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1252): [0] EVENT EVENT_RADIO_STATE_CHANGED 07-01 18:33:05.302 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1252): handleRadioPowerStateChange, state= 2 07-01 18:33:05.309 E/ANM-0 ( 1252): Can't find the binding package 07-01 18:33:05.311 D/SST ( 1252): [0] EVENT_ICC_CHANGED: SIM absent 07-01 18:33:05.311 D/SST ( 1252): [0] cancelAllNotifications: mPrevSubId=-1 07-01 18:33:05.312 D/SST ( 1252): [0] updateSpnDisplayLegacy+ 07-01 18:33:05.318 D/SST ( 1252): [0] updateSpnDisplay: radio is on but out of service, set plmn='没有服务' 07-01 18:33:05.319 D/SST ( 1252): [0] updateSpnDisplay: rawSpn = 07-01 18:33:05.324 D/SST ( 1252): [0] updateSpnDisplay: updateSpnDisplay: changed sending intent, rule=2, showPlmn='true', plmn='没有服务', showSpn='false', spn='', dataSpn='', subId='-1' 07-01 18:33:05.324 D/SubscriptionManager( 1252): putPhoneIdAndSubIdExtra: no valid subs 07-01 18:33:05.332 D/TelephonyRegistry( 445): notifySubscriptionInfoChanged: first invocation mRecords.size=28 07-01 18:33:05.363 D/SST ( 1252): [0] updateSpnDisplayLegacy- 07-01 18:33:05.368 D/NRM-C-0 ( 1252): Trying to bind com.android.phone for transport WWAN 07-01 18:33:05.375 E/NRM-I-0 ( 1252): Can't find the binding package 07-01 18:33:05.376 D/SST ( 1252): [0] setPowerStateToDesired: mDeviceShuttingDown=false, mDesiredPowerState=true, getRadioState=2, mRadioDisabledByCarrier=false, IMS reg state=false, pending radio off=false 07-01 18:33:05.376 D/SST ( 1252): [0] pollState: modemTriggered=true, radioState=2 07-01 18:33:05.377 D/SST ( 1252): [0] useDataRegStateForDataOnlyDevice: VoiceRegState=1 DataRegState=1 07-01 18:33:05.377 D/SST ( 1252): [0] Could not set ServiceState channel number. CellIdentity null 07-01 18:33:05.377 D/SST ( 1252): [0] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[{mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=-1, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mOperatorAlphaLong=null, mOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), getRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=UNKNOWN mInitialRegistrationState=UNKNOWN roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn= isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=UNKNOWN mInitialRegistrationState=UNKNOWN roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn= isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN registrationState=UNKNOWN mInitialRegistrationState=UNKNOWN roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn= isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=null, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=null, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=false}] newSS=[{mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=-1, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mOperatorAlphaLong=null, mOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), getRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=UNKNOWN mInitialRegistrationState=UNKNOWN roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn= isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=UNKNOWN mInitialRegistrationState=UNKNOWN roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn= isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN registrationState=UNKNOWN mInitialRegistrationState=UNKNOWN roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn= isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=null, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=null, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=false}] oldMaxDataCalls=1 mNewMaxDataCalls=1 oldReasonDataDenied=-1 mNewReasonDataDenied=-1 07-01 18:33:05.379 D/SST ( 1252): [0] pollStateDone: hasRegistered = false hasDeregistered = false hasDataAttached = {1=false, 2=false} hasDataDetached = {1=false, 2=false} hasDataRegStateChanged = {1=false, 2=false} hasRilVoiceRadioTechnologyChanged = false hasRilDataRadioTechnologyChanged = {1=false, 2=false} hasDataTransportPreferenceChanged = false hasChanged = false hasVoiceRoamingOn = false hasVoiceRoamingOff = false hasDataRoamingOn =false hasDataRoamingOff = false hasLocationChanged = false has4gHandoff = false hasMultiApnSupport = false hasLostMultiApnSupport = false hasCssIndicatorChanged = false hasNrFrequencyRangeChanged = false hasNrStateChanged = false hasBandwidthChanged = true hasAirplaneModeOnlChanged = false 07-01 18:33:05.380 D/SST ( 1252): [0] setPowerStateToDesired: mDeviceShuttingDown=false, mDesiredPowerState=true, getRadioState=2, mRadioDisabledByCarrier=false, IMS reg state=false, pending radio off=false 07-01 18:33:05.380 D/SST ( 1252): [0] pollState: modemTriggered=true, radioState=2 07-01 18:33:05.380 D/SST ( 1252): [0] useDataRegStateForDataOnlyDevice: VoiceRegState=1 DataRegState=1 07-01 18:33:05.381 D/SST ( 1252): [0] Could not set ServiceState channel number. CellIdentity null 07-01 18:33:05.381 D/SST ( 1252): [0] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[{mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=-1, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mOperatorAlphaLong=null, mOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), getRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=UNKNOWN mInitialRegistrationState=UNKNOWN roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn= isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=UNKNOWN mInitialRegistrationState=UNKNOWN roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn= isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN registrationState=UNKNOWN mInitialRegistrationState=UNKNOWN roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn= isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=null, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=null, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=false}] newSS=[{mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mChannelNumber=-1, duplexMode()=0, mCellBandwidths=[], mOperatorAlphaLong=null, mOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), getRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mArfcnRsrpBoost=0, mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS transportType=WWAN registrationState=UNKNOWN mInitialRegistrationState=UNKNOWN roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn= isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=UNKNOWN mInitialRegistrationState=UNKNOWN roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn= isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN registrationState=UNKNOWN mInitialRegistrationState=UNKNOWN roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=NONE rRplmn= isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}], mNrFrequencyRange=0, mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=null, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=null, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsIwlanPreferred=false}] oldMaxDataCalls=1 mNewMaxDataCalls=1 oldReasonDataDenied=-1 mNewReasonDataDenied=-1 07-01 18:33:05.381 D/SST ( 1252): [0] pollStateDone: hasRegistered = false hasDeregistered = false hasDataAttached = {1=false, 2=false} hasDataDetached = {1=false, 2=false} hasDataRegStateChanged = {1=false, 2=false} hasRilVoiceRadioTechnologyChanged = false hasRilDataRadioTechnologyChanged = {1=false, 2=false} hasDataTransportPreferenceChanged = false hasChanged = false hasVoiceRoamingOn = false hasVoiceRoamingOff = false hasDataRoamingOn =false hasDataRoamingOff = false hasLocationChanged = false has4gHandoff = false hasMultiApnSupport = false hasLostMultiApnSupport = false hasCssIndicatorChanged = false hasNrFrequencyRangeChanged = false hasNrStateChanged = false hasBandwidthChanged = true hasAirplaneModeOnlChanged = false 07-01 18:33:05.383 D/Phone ( 1252): [0] SubId-1,get allowed network types user: value = GPRS|EDGE|UMTS|HSDPA|HSUPA|HSPA|HSPA+|GSM 07-01 18:33:05.383 D/PhoneFactory( 1252): calculatePreferredNetworkType: phoneId = 0 networkType = 50055 07-01 18:33:05.385 D/Phone ( 1252): [0] Allowed network types for 'carrier' reason is changed by carrier config = GPRS|EDGE|UMTS|HSDPA|HSUPA|HSPA|HSPA+|GSM 07-01 18:33:05.386 D/Phone ( 1252): [0] SubId-1,get allowed network types carrier: value = GPRS|EDGE|UMTS|HSDPA|HSUPA|HSPA|HSPA+|GSM 07-01 18:33:05.386 I/CSST ( 1252): isNrSupported: carrierConfigEnabled: true, AccessFamilySupported: false, isNrNetworkTypeAllowed: false 07-01 18:33:05.386 I/CSST ( 1252): PrefNetworkNotification: sendMessage() w/values: ,false,-1,false,false 07-01 18:33:05.389 I/CSST ( 1252): canceling notifications: 1000 07-01 18:33:05.390 D/Phone ( 1252): isWifiCallingEnabled =false 07-01 18:33:05.390 D/CSST ( 1252): isPhoneRegisteredForWifiCalling: false 07-01 18:33:05.390 D/Phone ( 1252): isWifiCallingEnabled =false 07-01 18:33:05.390 I/CSST ( 1252): EmergencyNetworkNotification: sendMessage() w/values: ,-1,false,false 07-01 18:33:05.392 I/CSST ( 1252): canceling notifications: 1001 07-01 18:33:05.392 D/Phone ( 1252): [0] SubId-1,get allowed network types user: value = GPRS|EDGE|UMTS|HSDPA|HSUPA|HSPA|HSPA+|GSM 07-01 18:33:05.392 D/PhoneFactory( 1252): calculatePreferredNetworkType: phoneId = 0 networkType = 50055 07-01 18:33:05.395 D/Phone ( 1252): [0] Allowed network types for 'carrier' reason is changed by carrier config = GPRS|EDGE|UMTS|HSDPA|HSUPA|HSPA|HSPA+|GSM 07-01 18:33:05.396 D/Phone ( 1252): [0] SubId-1,get allowed network types carrier: value = GPRS|EDGE|UMTS|HSDPA|HSUPA|HSPA|HSPA+|GSM 07-01 18:33:05.396 I/CSST ( 1252): isNrSupported: carrierConfigEnabled: true, AccessFamilySupported: false, isNrNetworkTypeAllowed: false 07-01 18:33:05.396 I/CSST ( 1252): PrefNetworkNotification: sendMessage() w/values: ,false,-1,false,false 07-01 18:33:05.397 I/CSST ( 1252): canceling notifications: 1000 07-01 18:33:05.397 D/Phone ( 1252): isWifiCallingEnabled =false 07-01 18:33:05.397 D/CSST ( 1252): isPhoneRegisteredForWifiCalling: false 07-01 18:33:05.397 D/Phone ( 1252): isWifiCallingEnabled =false 07-01 18:33:05.397 I/CSST ( 1252): EmergencyNetworkNotification: sendMessage() w/values: ,-1,false,false 07-01 18:33:05.398 I/CSST ( 1252): canceling notifications: 1001 07-01 18:33:05.399 D/EmergencyNumberTracker( 1252): updateRadioEmergencyNumberListAndNotify(): receiving [] 07-01 18:33:05.401 D/NetworkTypeController( 1252): [0] DefaultState: process EVENT_INITIALIZE 07-01 18:33:05.402 E/RadioInterfaceCapabilityController( 1252): setupRadioInterfaceCapabilities: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE 07-01 18:33:05.402 E/RadioInterfaceCapabilityController( 1252): setupRadioInterfaceCapabilities: ar.result is null 07-01 18:33:06.184 D/RILU ( 545): find /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-1.2:1.2/ttyUSB2 07-01 18:33:06.184 D/RILU ( 545): ttyAT = ttyUSB2 07-01 18:33:06.184 D/RILU ( 545): find /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-1.2:1.3/ttyUSB3 07-01 18:33:06.185 D/RILU ( 545): ttyPPP = ttyUSB3 07-01 18:33:06.185 D/RILU ( 545): find /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-1.2:1.0/ttyUSB0 07-01 18:33:06.185 D/RILU ( 545): ttyDM = ttyUSB0 07-01 18:33:06.185 D/RILU ( 545): find /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-1.2:1.1/ttyUSB1 07-01 18:33:06.186 D/RILU ( 545): ttyGPS = ttyUSB1 07-01 18:33:06.187 D/RILU ( 545): find /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-1.2:1.4/usbmisc/cdc-wdm0 07-01 18:33:06.187 D/RILU ( 545): qmichannel = cdc-wdm0 07-01 18:33:06.189 D/RILU ( 545): find /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-1.2:1.4/net/wwan0 07-01 18:33:06.189 D/RILU ( 545): usbnet_adapter = wwan0 07-01 18:33:06.189 D/RILU ( 545): NDIS = wwan0 07-01 18:33:06.189 D/RILU ( 545): netcard driver: qmi_wwan, driver version: 5.15.94-gabd0dcc6bfc8-dirty 07-01 18:33:06.194 D/RILU ( 545): qmiDev = /dev/cdc-wdm0 07-01 18:33:06.194 D/RILC ( 545): quectel at port is /dev/ttyUSB2 07-01 18:33:06.194 D/RILU ( 545): ql_set_autosuspend, enter... 07-01 18:33:06.194 D/RILU ( 545): ro_hardware:sun55iw3p1 07-01 18:33:06.194 D/RILU ( 545): ----------------------------------------------2:sun55iw3p1 07-01 18:33:06.195 D/RILU ( 545): ----------------------------------------------3:1 07-01 18:33:06.195 D/RILU ( 545): ----------------------------------------------3:2 07-01 18:33:06.285 D/RILU ( 545): echo on > /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-1.2/power/control 07-01 18:33:06.286 D/RILU ( 545): ql_set_autosuspend off 07-01 18:33:06.286 D/RILU ( 545): ----------------------------------------------3:3 07-01 18:33:06.286 D/RILU ( 545): ----------------------------------------------3:1 07-01 18:33:06.286 D/RILU ( 545): ----------------------------------------------3:3 07-01 18:33:06.286 D/RILU ( 545): ----------------------------------------------3:1 07-01 18:33:06.286 D/RILU ( 545): ----------------------------------------------3:3 07-01 18:33:06.286 D/RILU ( 545): ----------------------------------------------3:1 07-01 18:33:06.286 D/RILU ( 545): ----------------------------------------------3:3 07-01 18:33:06.286 D/RILU ( 545): ----------------------------------------------4 07-01 18:33:06.286 D/RILC ( 545): s_device_path is /dev/ttyUSB2 07-01 18:33:06.288 D/RILC ( 545): open device /dev/ttyUSB2 correctly 07-01 18:33:06.289 E/ATC ( 545): at_open s_tild_reader = 523001535664 07-01 18:33:06.290 D/ATC ( 545): AT> ATE0 07-01 18:33:06.291 D/ATC ( 545): AT< AATE0 07-01 18:33:06.293 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.294 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CMEE=1 07-01 18:33:06.297 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.298 D/ATC ( 545): AT> ATI 07-01 18:33:06.299 D/ATC ( 545): AT< Quectel 07-01 18:33:06.299 D/ATC ( 545): AT< EC20F 07-01 18:33:06.299 D/ATC ( 545): AT< Revision: EC20CEHCLGR08A03M1G 07-01 18:33:06.299 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.300 D/RILC ( 545): ql_product_version is EC20CEHCLGR08A03M1G 07-01 18:33:06.300 D/RILC ( 545): Quectel Product Revision: EC20CEHCLGR08A03M1G 07-01 18:33:06.300 D/RILU ( 545): ql_set_autosuspend, enter... 07-01 18:33:06.300 D/RILU ( 545): ro_hardware:sun55iw3p1 07-01 18:33:06.300 D/RILU ( 545): ----------------------------------------------2:sun55iw3p1 07-01 18:33:06.300 D/RILU ( 545): ----------------------------------------------3:1 07-01 18:33:06.300 D/RILU ( 545): ----------------------------------------------3:2 07-01 18:33:06.376 D/RILU ( 545): echo on > /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-1.2/power/control 07-01 18:33:06.376 D/RILU ( 545): ql_set_autosuspend off 07-01 18:33:06.376 D/RILU ( 545): ----------------------------------------------3:3 07-01 18:33:06.376 D/RILU ( 545): ----------------------------------------------3:1 07-01 18:33:06.376 D/RILU ( 545): ----------------------------------------------3:3 07-01 18:33:06.376 D/RILU ( 545): ----------------------------------------------3:1 07-01 18:33:06.376 D/RILU ( 545): ----------------------------------------------3:3 07-01 18:33:06.376 D/RILU ( 545): ----------------------------------------------3:1 07-01 18:33:06.376 D/RILU ( 545): ----------------------------------------------3:3 07-01 18:33:06.376 D/RILU ( 545): ----------------------------------------------4 07-01 18:33:06.376 D/RILC ( 545): 9X07 EC20F 07-01 18:33:06.377 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CSUB;+CVERSION 07-01 18:33:06.380 D/ATC ( 545): AT< SubEdition: V01 07-01 18:33:06.380 D/ATC ( 545): AT< VERSION: EC20CEHCLGR08A03M1G 07-01 18:33:06.380 D/ATC ( 545): AT< Dec 7 2023 09:35:49 07-01 18:33:06.380 D/ATC ( 545): AT< Authors: QCT 07-01 18:33:06.380 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.380 D/ATC ( 545): AT> ATE0 07-01 18:33:06.381 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.382 D/ATC ( 545): AT> at+cmee=1 07-01 18:33:06.383 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.384 D/ATC ( 545): AT> ATS0=0 07-01 18:33:06.386 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.386 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+QURCCFG="URCPORT","usbat" 07-01 18:33:06.389 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.389 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT&D2 07-01 18:33:06.391 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.392 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CMEE=1 07-01 18:33:06.393 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.394 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+QCFG="ims",1 07-01 18:33:06.397 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.398 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CREG=2 07-01 18:33:06.403 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.404 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CREG=2 07-01 18:33:06.407 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.407 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CGREG=2 07-01 18:33:06.408 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.409 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CEREG=2 07-01 18:33:06.411 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.411 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+C5GREG=2 07-01 18:33:06.413 D/ATC ( 545): AT< ERROR 07-01 18:33:06.413 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+QENDC=1 07-01 18:33:06.414 D/ATC ( 545): AT< ERROR 07-01 18:33:06.415 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT^DSCI=1 07-01 18:33:06.421 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.421 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CFUN? 07-01 18:33:06.424 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +CFUN: 1 07-01 18:33:06.424 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.424 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CPIN? 07-01 18:33:06.429 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +CPIN: READY 07-01 18:33:06.429 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.430 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CFUN? 07-01 18:33:06.431 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +CFUN: 1 07-01 18:33:06.431 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.432 I/RILC ( 545): [setRadioState]:oldState=1, newState=2 07-01 18:33:06.436 E/RILC ( 545): radioStateChangedInd: radioService[0]->mRadioIndication == NULL 07-01 18:33:06.437 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CPIN? 07-01 18:33:06.438 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +CPIN: READY 07-01 18:33:06.438 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.438 I/RILC ( 545): [setRadioState]:oldState=2, newState=4 07-01 18:33:06.438 E/RILC ( 545): radioStateChangedInd: radioService[0]->mRadioIndication == NULL 07-01 18:33:06.439 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+QNVFR="/nv/item_files/modem/mmode/ue_usage_setting" 07-01 18:33:06.440 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +QNVFR: 00 07-01 18:33:06.441 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.441 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+QINISTAT 07-01 18:33:06.442 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +QINISTAT: 7 07-01 18:33:06.442 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.442 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CNMI=2,2 07-01 18:33:06.448 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.448 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CMGF=0 07-01 18:33:06.449 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.450 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CCWA=1 07-01 18:33:06.453 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.453 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CMOD=0 07-01 18:33:06.457 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.457 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CMUT=0 07-01 18:33:06.458 D/ATC ( 545): AT< ERROR 07-01 18:33:06.458 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CSSN=0,1 07-01 18:33:06.460 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.460 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+COLP=0 07-01 18:33:06.462 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.462 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CSCS="UCS2" 07-01 18:33:06.464 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.464 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CUSD=1 07-01 18:33:06.470 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.470 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CGEREP=0 07-01 18:33:06.479 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.480 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CGEREP=0 07-01 18:33:06.481 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.482 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CTZU=1 07-01 18:33:06.484 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.485 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CTZR=2 07-01 18:33:06.486 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.486 E/RILC ( 545): simStatusChangedInd: radioService[0]->mRadioIndication == NULL 07-01 18:33:06.487 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+QCFG="speed" 07-01 18:33:06.488 D/ATC ( 545): AT< ERROR 07-01 18:33:06.489 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+QNWCFG="lte_pco",2 07-01 18:33:06.491 D/ATC ( 545): AT< ERROR 07-01 18:33:06.491 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+QIMSCFG="ims_status" 07-01 18:33:06.495 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +QIMSCFG: "ims_status",1,1,2,2,2,2 07-01 18:33:06.495 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.499 D/SIGNAL_STRENGTH( 545): requestSignalStrength:720 iradio_version = 5 07-01 18:33:06.500 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 07-01 18:33:06.507 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-UNICOM",7 07-01 18:33:06.507 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"UNICOM",7 07-01 18:33:06.507 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.507 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+QENG="servingcell" 07-01 18:33:06.509 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +QENG: "servingcell","NOCONN","LTE","FDD",460,01,4BCC303,331,100,1,5,5,E7DE,-85,-3,-62,26,- 07-01 18:33:06.510 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.510 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:699 Enter... 07-01 18:33:06.510 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 07-01 18:33:06.513 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-UNICOM",7 07-01 18:33:06.513 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"UNICOM",7 07-01 18:33:06.513 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.514 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:767 LTE RSRP=-85 07-01 18:33:06.514 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:802 *count = 1 07-01 18:33:06.514 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CSQ 07-01 18:33:06.515 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +CSQ: 25,99 07-01 18:33:06.515 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:06.515 D/RADIO_1_4( 545): getSignalStrength_1_4:572 LTE RSRP = 85 RSRQ = 3 07-01 18:33:06.515 D/RILC ( 545): isNetworkInNrEndc 692 Enter: 0 07-01 18:33:06.516 D/RILC ( 545): isNetworkInNrEndc 719 End, is_NR_ENDC:0 07-01 18:33:06.516 E/RILC ( 545): currentSignalStrengthInd: radioService[0]->mRadioIndication == NULL 07-01 18:33:07.402 E/RadioInterfaceCapabilityController( 1252): getRadioInterfaceCapabilities: Radio Capabilities not loaded in time 07-01 18:33:07.414 D/NetworkTypeController( 1252): [0] mOverrideTimerRules: {connected={mState=connected, mOverrideType=NR_NSA, mPrimaryTimers={}, mSecondaryTimers={}}, not_restricted_rrc_con={mState=not_restricted_rrc_con, mOverrideType=NR_NSA, mPrimaryTimers={}, mSecondaryTimers={}}, legacy={mState=legacy, mOverrideType=NONE, mPrimaryTimers={}, mSecondaryTimers={}}, not_restricted_rrc_idle={mState=not_restricted_rrc_idle, mOverrideType=NR_NSA, mPrimaryTimers={}, mSecondaryTimers={}}, restricted={mState=restricted, mOverrideType=NONE, mPrimaryTimers={}, mSecondaryTimers={}}, connected_mmwave={mState=connected_mmwave, mOverrideType=NR_NSA, mPrimaryTimers={}, mSecondaryTimers={}}} 07-01 18:33:07.415 D/NetworkTypeController( 1252): [0] DefaultState: process EVENT_UPDATE 07-01 18:33:07.415 D/NetworkTypeController( 1252): [0] Reset timers since preferred network mode changed. 07-01 18:33:07.416 D/NetworkTypeController( 1252): [0] Entering LegacyState 07-01 18:33:07.416 D/NetworkTypeController( 1252): [0] Reset timers since NR is not allowed. 07-01 18:33:07.416 D/DIC-0 ( 1252): TelephonyDisplayInfo changed from null to TelephonyDisplayInfo {network=UNKNOWN, override=NONE} 07-01 18:33:07.424 D/DataService( 1252): Data service created 07-01 18:33:07.450 D/DSMGR-0 ( 1252): mIsDataEnabled=true, prevDataEnabled=false 07-01 18:33:07.451 D/DSMGR-0 ( 1252): notifyDataEnabledChanged: enabled=true, reason=UNKNOWN, callingPackage=com.android.phone 07-01 18:33:07.468 D/CarrierResolver( 1252): handleMessage: 2 07-01 18:33:08.206 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1252): [0] onVoiceRegStateOrRatChanged 07-01 18:33:08.207 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1252): [0] getCsCallRadioTech, current vrs=1, vrat=0 07-01 18:33:08.207 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1252): [0] getCsCallRadioTech, result calcVrat=0 07-01 18:33:08.215 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1252): onActivePhoneSwitch 07-01 18:33:08.218 D/DebugService( 1252): DebugService DebugService: 07-01 18:33:08.222 D/GsmSMSDispatcher( 1252): GsmSMSDispatcher: subId = -1 slotId = 0 07-01 18:33:08.222 D/SST ( 1252): [0] EVENT_ICC_CHANGED: SIM absent 07-01 18:33:08.223 D/SST ( 1252): [0] cancelAllNotifications: mPrevSubId=-1 07-01 18:33:08.228 D/SST ( 1252): [0] updateSpnDisplayLegacy+ 07-01 18:33:08.231 D/SST ( 1252): [0] updateSpnDisplay: radio is on but out of service, set plmn='没有服务' 07-01 18:33:08.232 D/SST ( 1252): [0] updateSpnDisplay: rawSpn = 07-01 18:33:08.232 D/SST ( 1252): [0] updateSpnDisplayLegacy- 07-01 18:33:08.233 D/CarrierResolver( 1252): handleMessage: 2 07-01 18:33:08.233 D/GsmCdmaCallTracker( 1252): Event EVENT_POLL_CALLS_RESULT Received 07-01 18:33:08.233 D/GsmCdmaCallTracker( 1252): [0] update phone state, old=IDLE new=IDLE 07-01 18:33:08.233 D/ImsSmsDispatcher [0]( 1252): ImsManager: connection unavailable, reason=2 07-01 18:33:08.234 D/SST ( 1252): [0] SubscriptionListener.onSubscriptionInfoChanged 07-01 18:33:08.244 D/Phone ( 1252): isImsRegistered =false 07-01 18:33:08.249 E/PhoneSubInfoController( 1252): getLine1Number phone is null for Subscription:-1 07-01 18:33:08.257 W/FeatureConnector( 1252): [InstanceManager, 0] connect: not supported. 07-01 18:33:08.258 I/ImsManagerIM [0]( 1252): connectionUnavailable, reason: 2 07-01 18:33:08.355 D/NetworkService( 1252): network service created 07-01 18:33:08.358 D/NetworkTypeController( 1252): [0] LegacyState: process EVENT_DATA_RAT_CHANGED 07-01 18:33:08.358 D/NetworkTypeController( 1252): [0] Reset timers since NR is not allowed. 07-01 18:33:08.358 D/NetworkTypeController( 1252): [0] Reset timers since 2G and 3G don't need NR timers. 07-01 18:33:08.359 D/DSM-C-0 ( 1252): onServiceConnected: ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.internal.telephony.data.CellularDataService} 07-01 18:33:08.363 D/CellularDataService( 1252): Cellular data service created for slot 0 07-01 18:33:08.363 D/DNC-0 ( 1252): onDataEnabledChanged: enabled=true 07-01 18:33:08.365 D/DSRM-0 ( 1252): onMobileDataEnabledChanged: DataEnabled:true,DataStalled:false 07-01 18:33:08.367 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1252): got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=30, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10039 RequestorUid: 10039 RequestorPkg: com.android.statementservice UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 07-01 18:33:08.368 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1252): got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=22, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1073 RequestorUid: 1073 RequestorPkg: com.android.networkstack UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 07-01 18:33:08.368 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1252): got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=33, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1001 RequestorUid: 1001 RequestorPkg: com.android.phone UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 07-01 18:33:08.368 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1252): got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=26, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 07-01 18:33:08.369 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1252): got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=19, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10085 RequestorUid: 10085 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 07-01 18:33:08.369 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1252): got request NetworkRequest [ BACKGROUND_REQUEST id=2, [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_VCN_MANAGED RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 07-01 18:33:08.370 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1252): got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_VCN_MANAGED RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 07-01 18:33:08.370 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1252): got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=28, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10039 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 07-01 18:33:08.370 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1252): got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=17, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10085 RequestorUid: 10085 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 07-01 18:33:08.371 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1252): got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=14, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 07-01 18:33:08.371 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1252): got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=7, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 07-01 18:33:08.372 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1252): No phones: unable to reset preferred phone for emergency 07-01 18:33:08.372 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1252): [0] EVENT_SUBSCRIPTIONS_CHANGED 07-01 18:33:08.376 E/PhoneSubInfoController( 1252): getLine1Number phone is null for Subscription:-1 07-01 18:33:08.406 D/NRM-C-0 ( 1252): service ComponentInfo{com.android.phone/com.android.internal.telephony.CellularNetworkService} for transport WWAN is now connected. 07-01 18:33:08.407 D/DNC-0 ( 1252): onDataServiceBindingChanged: WWAN data service is bound. 07-01 18:33:08.410 D/DNC-0 ( 1252): Re-evaluating 0 unsatisfied network requests in 0 groups, due to DATA_ENABLED_CHANGED 07-01 18:33:08.468 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1252): onNeedNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=30, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10039 RequestorUid: 10039 RequestorPkg: com.android.statementservice UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=18:33:08.412, evaluation result=null] shouldApply false 07-01 18:33:08.470 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1252): onNeedNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=22, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1073 RequestorUid: 1073 RequestorPkg: com.android.networkstack UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=18:33:08.468, evaluation result=null] shouldApply false 07-01 18:33:08.472 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1252): onNeedNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=33, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1001 RequestorUid: 1001 RequestorPkg: com.android.phone UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=18:33:08.470, evaluation result=null] shouldApply false 07-01 18:33:08.474 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1252): onNeedNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=26, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=18:33:08.472, evaluation result=null] shouldApply false 07-01 18:33:08.476 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1252): onNeedNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=19, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10085 RequestorUid: 10085 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=18:33:08.475, evaluation result=null] shouldApply false 07-01 18:33:08.478 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1252): onNeedNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ BACKGROUND_REQUEST id=2, [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_VCN_MANAGED RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=18:33:08.476, evaluation result=null] shouldApply false 07-01 18:33:08.480 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1252): onNeedNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_VCN_MANAGED RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=18:33:08.478, evaluation result=null] shouldApply false 07-01 18:33:08.482 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1252): onNeedNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=28, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10039 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=18:33:08.480, evaluation result=null] shouldApply false 07-01 18:33:08.484 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1252): onNeedNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=17, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10085 RequestorUid: 10085 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=18:33:08.482, evaluation result=null] shouldApply false 07-01 18:33:08.486 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1252): onNeedNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=14, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=18:33:08.485, evaluation result=null] shouldApply false 07-01 18:33:08.488 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1252): onNeedNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=7, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=18:33:08.487, evaluation result=null] shouldApply false 07-01 18:33:08.489 D/DRM-0 ( 1252): Remove all retry and throttling entries, reason=DATA_SERVICE_BOUND 07-01 18:33:11.301 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1252): got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=35, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10084 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 07-01 18:33:11.303 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1252): onNeedNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=35, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10084 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=18:33:11.301, evaluation result=null] shouldApply false 07-01 18:33:11.455 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1252): got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=37, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10084 RequestorUid: 10084 RequestorPkg: com.android.remoteprovisioner UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] 07-01 18:33:11.457 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1252): onNeedNetworkFor [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=37, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10084 RequestorUid: 10084 RequestorPkg: com.android.remoteprovisioner UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ], mPriority=20, state=UNSATISFIED, mAttachedDataNetwork=null, isMetered=true, created time=18:33:11.457, evaluation result=null] shouldApply false 07-01 18:33:16.495 D/ATC ( 545): AT> at+qcfg="aprstlevel" 07-01 18:33:16.510 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +QCFG: "ApRstLevel",1 07-01 18:33:16.510 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:16.511 D/ATC ( 545): AT> at+qcfg="modemrstlevel",0 07-01 18:33:16.547 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:16.547 D/ATC ( 545): AT> at+qcfg="dbgctl",1 07-01 18:33:16.570 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:16.571 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+QSCLK=1 07-01 18:33:16.577 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:26.523 D/SIGNAL_STRENGTH( 545): requestSignalStrength:720 iradio_version = 5 07-01 18:33:26.523 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 07-01 18:33:26.530 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-UNICOM",7 07-01 18:33:26.530 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"UNICOM",7 07-01 18:33:26.530 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:26.530 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+QENG="servingcell" 07-01 18:33:26.535 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +QENG: "servingcell","NOCONN","LTE","FDD",460,01,4BCC303,331,100,1,5,5,E7DE,-86,-3,-62,27,- 07-01 18:33:26.535 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:26.535 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:699 Enter... 07-01 18:33:26.535 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 07-01 18:33:26.542 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-UNICOM",7 07-01 18:33:26.542 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"UNICOM",7 07-01 18:33:26.542 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:26.542 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:767 LTE RSRP=-86 07-01 18:33:26.542 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:802 *count = 1 07-01 18:33:26.542 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CSQ 07-01 18:33:26.549 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +CSQ: 25,99 07-01 18:33:26.549 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:26.550 D/RADIO_1_4( 545): getSignalStrength_1_4:572 LTE RSRP = 86 RSRQ = 3 07-01 18:33:26.550 D/RILC ( 545): isNetworkInNrEndc 692 Enter: 0 07-01 18:33:26.550 D/RILC ( 545): isNetworkInNrEndc 719 End, is_NR_ENDC:0 07-01 18:33:26.550 E/RILC ( 545): currentSignalStrengthInd: radioService[0]->mRadioIndication == NULL 07-01 18:33:46.507 D/RILC ( 545): QuectelCheckAndroidFrameworkSettingCallback 07-01 18:33:46.508 D/RILC ( 545): [ro.radio.noril]: [no] 07-01 18:33:46.614 D/SIGNAL_STRENGTH( 545): requestSignalStrength:720 iradio_version = 5 07-01 18:33:46.615 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 07-01 18:33:46.626 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-UNICOM",7 07-01 18:33:46.627 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"UNICOM",7 07-01 18:33:46.627 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:46.627 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+QENG="servingcell" 07-01 18:33:46.631 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +QENG: "servingcell","NOCONN","LTE","FDD",460,01,4BCC303,331,100,1,5,5,E7DE,-85,-4,-61,27,34 07-01 18:33:46.631 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:46.631 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:699 Enter... 07-01 18:33:46.631 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 07-01 18:33:46.636 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-UNICOM",7 07-01 18:33:46.636 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"UNICOM",7 07-01 18:33:46.636 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:46.637 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:767 LTE RSRP=-85 07-01 18:33:46.637 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:802 *count = 1 07-01 18:33:46.637 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CSQ 07-01 18:33:46.643 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +CSQ: 25,99 07-01 18:33:46.643 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:33:46.644 D/RADIO_1_4( 545): getSignalStrength_1_4:572 LTE RSRP = 85 RSRQ = 4 07-01 18:33:46.644 D/RILC ( 545): isNetworkInNrEndc 692 Enter: 0 07-01 18:33:46.645 D/RILC ( 545): isNetworkInNrEndc 719 End, is_NR_ENDC:0 07-01 18:33:46.645 E/RILC ( 545): currentSignalStrengthInd: radioService[0]->mRadioIndication == NULL 07-01 18:34:06.665 D/SIGNAL_STRENGTH( 545): requestSignalStrength:720 iradio_version = 5 07-01 18:34:06.665 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 07-01 18:34:06.674 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-UNICOM",7 07-01 18:34:06.674 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"UNICOM",7 07-01 18:34:06.674 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:34:06.675 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+QENG="servingcell" 07-01 18:34:06.684 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +QENG: "servingcell","NOCONN","LTE","FDD",460,01,4BCC303,331,100,1,5,5,E7DE,-86,-3,-62,26,34 07-01 18:34:06.684 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:34:06.684 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:699 Enter... 07-01 18:34:06.684 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 07-01 18:34:06.692 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-UNICOM",7 07-01 18:34:06.692 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"UNICOM",7 07-01 18:34:06.692 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:34:06.692 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:767 LTE RSRP=-86 07-01 18:34:06.692 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:802 *count = 1 07-01 18:34:06.692 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CSQ 07-01 18:34:06.699 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +CSQ: 25,99 07-01 18:34:06.699 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:34:06.699 D/RADIO_1_4( 545): getSignalStrength_1_4:572 LTE RSRP = 86 RSRQ = 3 07-01 18:34:06.699 D/RILC ( 545): isNetworkInNrEndc 692 Enter: 0 07-01 18:34:06.699 D/RILC ( 545): isNetworkInNrEndc 719 End, is_NR_ENDC:0 07-01 18:34:06.699 E/RILC ( 545): currentSignalStrengthInd: radioService[0]->mRadioIndication == NULL 07-01 18:34:26.720 D/SIGNAL_STRENGTH( 545): requestSignalStrength:720 iradio_version = 5 07-01 18:34:26.720 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 07-01 18:34:26.729 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-UNICOM",7 07-01 18:34:26.729 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"UNICOM",7 07-01 18:34:26.729 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:34:26.730 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+QENG="servingcell" 07-01 18:34:26.736 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +QENG: "servingcell","NOCONN","LTE","FDD",460,01,4BCC303,331,100,1,5,5,E7DE,-87,-3,-64,26,32 07-01 18:34:26.736 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:34:26.737 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:699 Enter... 07-01 18:34:26.737 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 07-01 18:34:26.744 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-UNICOM",7 07-01 18:34:26.744 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"UNICOM",7 07-01 18:34:26.744 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:34:26.745 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:767 LTE RSRP=-87 07-01 18:34:26.745 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:802 *count = 1 07-01 18:34:26.745 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CSQ 07-01 18:34:26.750 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +CSQ: 25,99 07-01 18:34:26.750 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:34:26.750 D/RADIO_1_4( 545): getSignalStrength_1_4:572 LTE RSRP = 87 RSRQ = 3 07-01 18:34:26.751 D/RILC ( 545): isNetworkInNrEndc 692 Enter: 0 07-01 18:34:26.751 D/RILC ( 545): isNetworkInNrEndc 719 End, is_NR_ENDC:0 07-01 18:34:26.751 E/RILC ( 545): currentSignalStrengthInd: radioService[0]->mRadioIndication == NULL 07-01 18:34:46.771 D/SIGNAL_STRENGTH( 545): requestSignalStrength:720 iradio_version = 5 07-01 18:34:46.771 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 07-01 18:34:46.780 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-UNICOM",7 07-01 18:34:46.780 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"UNICOM",7 07-01 18:34:46.780 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:34:46.780 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+QENG="servingcell" 07-01 18:34:46.788 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +QENG: "servingcell","NOCONN","LTE","FDD",460,01,4BCC303,331,100,1,5,5,E7DE,-86,-3,-62,26,34 07-01 18:34:46.788 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:34:46.788 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:699 Enter... 07-01 18:34:46.788 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 07-01 18:34:46.796 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-UNICOM",7 07-01 18:34:46.796 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"UNICOM",7 07-01 18:34:46.796 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:34:46.797 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:767 LTE RSRP=-86 07-01 18:34:46.797 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:802 *count = 1 07-01 18:34:46.797 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CSQ 07-01 18:34:46.805 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +CSQ: 25,99 07-01 18:34:46.805 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:34:46.806 D/RADIO_1_4( 545): getSignalStrength_1_4:572 LTE RSRP = 86 RSRQ = 3 07-01 18:34:46.806 D/RILC ( 545): isNetworkInNrEndc 692 Enter: 0 07-01 18:34:46.806 D/RILC ( 545): isNetworkInNrEndc 719 End, is_NR_ENDC:0 07-01 18:34:46.806 E/RILC ( 545): currentSignalStrengthInd: radioService[0]->mRadioIndication == NULL 07-01 18:35:06.826 D/SIGNAL_STRENGTH( 545): requestSignalStrength:720 iradio_version = 5 07-01 18:35:06.826 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 07-01 18:35:06.837 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-UNICOM",7 07-01 18:35:06.838 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"UNICOM",7 07-01 18:35:06.838 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:35:06.838 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+QENG="servingcell" 07-01 18:35:06.845 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +QENG: "servingcell","NOCONN","LTE","FDD",460,01,4BCC303,331,100,1,5,5,E7DE,-86,-4,-61,26,34 07-01 18:35:06.845 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:35:06.846 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:699 Enter... 07-01 18:35:06.846 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 07-01 18:35:06.854 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-UNICOM",7 07-01 18:35:06.854 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"UNICOM",7 07-01 18:35:06.854 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:35:06.855 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:767 LTE RSRP=-86 07-01 18:35:06.855 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:802 *count = 1 07-01 18:35:06.855 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CSQ 07-01 18:35:06.863 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +CSQ: 25,99 07-01 18:35:06.863 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:35:06.863 D/RADIO_1_4( 545): getSignalStrength_1_4:572 LTE RSRP = 86 RSRQ = 4 07-01 18:35:06.863 D/RILC ( 545): isNetworkInNrEndc 692 Enter: 0 07-01 18:35:06.863 D/RILC ( 545): isNetworkInNrEndc 719 End, is_NR_ENDC:0 07-01 18:35:06.863 E/RILC ( 545): currentSignalStrengthInd: radioService[0]->mRadioIndication == NULL 07-01 18:35:26.884 D/SIGNAL_STRENGTH( 545): requestSignalStrength:720 iradio_version = 5 07-01 18:35:26.884 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 07-01 18:35:26.892 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-UNICOM",7 07-01 18:35:26.892 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"UNICOM",7 07-01 18:35:26.892 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:35:26.892 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+QENG="servingcell" 07-01 18:35:26.900 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +QENG: "servingcell","NOCONN","LTE","FDD",460,01,4BCC303,331,100,1,5,5,E7DE,-86,-9,-57,26,33 07-01 18:35:26.900 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:35:26.900 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:699 Enter... 07-01 18:35:26.901 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 07-01 18:35:26.908 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-UNICOM",7 07-01 18:35:26.909 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"UNICOM",7 07-01 18:35:26.909 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:35:26.909 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:767 LTE RSRP=-86 07-01 18:35:26.909 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:802 *count = 1 07-01 18:35:26.909 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CSQ 07-01 18:35:26.918 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +CSQ: 25,99 07-01 18:35:26.918 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:35:26.918 D/RADIO_1_4( 545): getSignalStrength_1_4:572 LTE RSRP = 86 RSRQ = 9 07-01 18:35:26.918 D/RILC ( 545): isNetworkInNrEndc 692 Enter: 0 07-01 18:35:26.918 D/RILC ( 545): isNetworkInNrEndc 719 End, is_NR_ENDC:0 07-01 18:35:26.918 E/RILC ( 545): currentSignalStrengthInd: radioService[0]->mRadioIndication == NULL 07-01 18:35:46.939 D/SIGNAL_STRENGTH( 545): requestSignalStrength:720 iradio_version = 5 07-01 18:35:46.939 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 07-01 18:35:46.947 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-UNICOM",7 07-01 18:35:46.947 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"UNICOM",7 07-01 18:35:46.947 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:35:46.948 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+QENG="servingcell" 07-01 18:35:46.955 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +QENG: "servingcell","NOCONN","LTE","FDD",460,01,4BCC303,331,100,1,5,5,E7DE,-86,-8,-57,26,33 07-01 18:35:46.956 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:35:46.956 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:699 Enter... 07-01 18:35:46.956 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 07-01 18:35:46.963 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-UNICOM",7 07-01 18:35:46.963 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"UNICOM",7 07-01 18:35:46.964 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:35:46.964 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:767 LTE RSRP=-86 07-01 18:35:46.964 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:802 *count = 1 07-01 18:35:46.964 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CSQ 07-01 18:35:46.972 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +CSQ: 25,99 07-01 18:35:46.972 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:35:46.972 D/RADIO_1_4( 545): getSignalStrength_1_4:572 LTE RSRP = 86 RSRQ = 8 07-01 18:35:46.973 D/RILC ( 545): isNetworkInNrEndc 692 Enter: 0 07-01 18:35:46.973 D/RILC ( 545): isNetworkInNrEndc 719 End, is_NR_ENDC:0 07-01 18:35:46.973 E/RILC ( 545): currentSignalStrengthInd: radioService[0]->mRadioIndication == NULL 07-01 18:36:06.993 D/SIGNAL_STRENGTH( 545): requestSignalStrength:720 iradio_version = 5 07-01 18:36:06.993 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 07-01 18:36:07.003 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-UNICOM",7 07-01 18:36:07.003 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"UNICOM",7 07-01 18:36:07.003 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:36:07.004 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+QENG="servingcell" 07-01 18:36:07.011 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +QENG: "servingcell","NOCONN","LTE","FDD",460,01,4BCC303,331,100,1,5,5,E7DE,-86,-3,-63,26,33 07-01 18:36:07.011 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:36:07.012 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:699 Enter... 07-01 18:36:07.012 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 07-01 18:36:07.019 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-UNICOM",7 07-01 18:36:07.019 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"UNICOM",7 07-01 18:36:07.019 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:36:07.020 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:767 LTE RSRP=-86 07-01 18:36:07.020 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:802 *count = 1 07-01 18:36:07.020 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CSQ 07-01 18:36:07.027 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +CSQ: 25,99 07-01 18:36:07.028 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:36:07.028 D/RADIO_1_4( 545): getSignalStrength_1_4:572 LTE RSRP = 86 RSRQ = 3 07-01 18:36:07.028 D/RILC ( 545): isNetworkInNrEndc 692 Enter: 0 07-01 18:36:07.028 D/RILC ( 545): isNetworkInNrEndc 719 End, is_NR_ENDC:0 07-01 18:36:07.028 E/RILC ( 545): currentSignalStrengthInd: radioService[0]->mRadioIndication == NULL 07-01 18:36:27.037 D/SIGNAL_STRENGTH( 545): requestSignalStrength:720 iradio_version = 5 07-01 18:36:27.037 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 07-01 18:36:27.045 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-UNICOM",7 07-01 18:36:27.045 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"UNICOM",7 07-01 18:36:27.046 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:36:27.046 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+QENG="servingcell" 07-01 18:36:27.054 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +QENG: "servingcell","NOCONN","LTE","FDD",460,01,4BCC303,331,100,1,5,5,E7DE,-87,-5,-62,26,32 07-01 18:36:27.054 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:36:27.054 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:699 Enter... 07-01 18:36:27.054 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 07-01 18:36:27.062 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-UNICOM",7 07-01 18:36:27.063 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"UNICOM",7 07-01 18:36:27.063 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:36:27.063 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:767 LTE RSRP=-87 07-01 18:36:27.063 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:802 *count = 1 07-01 18:36:27.063 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CSQ 07-01 18:36:27.071 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +CSQ: 25,99 07-01 18:36:27.071 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:36:27.072 D/RADIO_1_4( 545): getSignalStrength_1_4:572 LTE RSRP = 87 RSRQ = 5 07-01 18:36:27.072 D/RILC ( 545): isNetworkInNrEndc 692 Enter: 0 07-01 18:36:27.072 D/RILC ( 545): isNetworkInNrEndc 719 End, is_NR_ENDC:0 07-01 18:36:27.072 E/RILC ( 545): currentSignalStrengthInd: radioService[0]->mRadioIndication == NULL 07-01 18:36:47.092 D/SIGNAL_STRENGTH( 545): requestSignalStrength:720 iradio_version = 5 07-01 18:36:47.092 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 07-01 18:36:47.101 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-UNICOM",7 07-01 18:36:47.101 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"UNICOM",7 07-01 18:36:47.101 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:36:47.101 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+QENG="servingcell" 07-01 18:36:47.109 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +QENG: "servingcell","NOCONN","LTE","FDD",460,01,4BCC303,331,100,1,5,5,E7DE,-87,-3,-64,26,32 07-01 18:36:47.109 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:36:47.109 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:699 Enter... 07-01 18:36:47.109 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 07-01 18:36:47.116 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-UNICOM",7 07-01 18:36:47.117 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"UNICOM",7 07-01 18:36:47.117 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:36:47.117 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:767 LTE RSRP=-87 07-01 18:36:47.117 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:802 *count = 1 07-01 18:36:47.117 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CSQ 07-01 18:36:47.126 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +CSQ: 25,99 07-01 18:36:47.126 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:36:47.126 D/RADIO_1_4( 545): getSignalStrength_1_4:572 LTE RSRP = 87 RSRQ = 3 07-01 18:36:47.126 D/RILC ( 545): isNetworkInNrEndc 692 Enter: 0 07-01 18:36:47.126 D/RILC ( 545): isNetworkInNrEndc 719 End, is_NR_ENDC:0 07-01 18:36:47.127 E/RILC ( 545): currentSignalStrengthInd: radioService[0]->mRadioIndication == NULL 07-01 18:37:07.147 D/SIGNAL_STRENGTH( 545): requestSignalStrength:720 iradio_version = 5 07-01 18:37:07.147 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 07-01 18:37:07.157 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-UNICOM",7 07-01 18:37:07.157 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"UNICOM",7 07-01 18:37:07.157 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:37:07.158 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+QENG="servingcell" 07-01 18:37:07.162 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +QENG: "servingcell","NOCONN","LTE","FDD",460,01,4BCC303,331,100,1,5,5,E7DE,-86,-5,-63,28,- 07-01 18:37:07.162 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:37:07.163 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:699 Enter... 07-01 18:37:07.163 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 07-01 18:37:07.168 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-UNICOM",7 07-01 18:37:07.168 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"UNICOM",7 07-01 18:37:07.168 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:37:07.169 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:767 LTE RSRP=-86 07-01 18:37:07.169 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:802 *count = 1 07-01 18:37:07.169 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CSQ 07-01 18:37:07.173 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +CSQ: 25,99 07-01 18:37:07.173 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:37:07.174 D/RADIO_1_4( 545): getSignalStrength_1_4:572 LTE RSRP = 86 RSRQ = 5 07-01 18:37:07.174 D/RILC ( 545): isNetworkInNrEndc 692 Enter: 0 07-01 18:37:07.174 D/RILC ( 545): isNetworkInNrEndc 719 End, is_NR_ENDC:0 07-01 18:37:07.174 E/RILC ( 545): currentSignalStrengthInd: radioService[0]->mRadioIndication == NULL 07-01 18:37:27.174 D/SIGNAL_STRENGTH( 545): requestSignalStrength:720 iradio_version = 5 07-01 18:37:27.174 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 07-01 18:37:27.188 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-UNICOM",7 07-01 18:37:27.188 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"UNICOM",7 07-01 18:37:27.188 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:37:27.189 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+QENG="servingcell" 07-01 18:37:27.193 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +QENG: "servingcell","NOCONN","LTE","FDD",460,01,4BCC303,331,100,1,5,5,E7DE,-86,-3,-63,28,33 07-01 18:37:27.193 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:37:27.193 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:699 Enter... 07-01 18:37:27.193 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 07-01 18:37:27.199 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-UNICOM",7 07-01 18:37:27.200 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"UNICOM",7 07-01 18:37:27.200 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:37:27.200 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:767 LTE RSRP=-86 07-01 18:37:27.200 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:802 *count = 1 07-01 18:37:27.200 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CSQ 07-01 18:37:27.208 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +CSQ: 25,99 07-01 18:37:27.208 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:37:27.208 D/RADIO_1_4( 545): getSignalStrength_1_4:572 LTE RSRP = 86 RSRQ = 3 07-01 18:37:27.208 D/RILC ( 545): isNetworkInNrEndc 692 Enter: 0 07-01 18:37:27.208 D/RILC ( 545): isNetworkInNrEndc 719 End, is_NR_ENDC:0 07-01 18:37:27.208 E/RILC ( 545): currentSignalStrengthInd: radioService[0]->mRadioIndication == NULL 07-01 18:37:47.229 D/SIGNAL_STRENGTH( 545): requestSignalStrength:720 iradio_version = 5 07-01 18:37:47.229 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 07-01 18:37:47.238 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-UNICOM",7 07-01 18:37:47.238 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"UNICOM",7 07-01 18:37:47.238 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:37:47.238 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+QENG="servingcell" 07-01 18:37:47.245 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +QENG: "servingcell","NOCONN","LTE","FDD",460,01,4BCC303,331,100,1,5,5,E7DE,-87,-5,-62,26,32 07-01 18:37:47.245 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:37:47.245 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:699 Enter... 07-01 18:37:47.245 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 07-01 18:37:47.251 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-UNICOM",7 07-01 18:37:47.251 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"UNICOM",7 07-01 18:37:47.251 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:37:47.251 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:767 LTE RSRP=-87 07-01 18:37:47.251 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:802 *count = 1 07-01 18:37:47.251 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CSQ 07-01 18:37:47.259 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +CSQ: 25,99 07-01 18:37:47.260 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:37:47.260 D/RADIO_1_4( 545): getSignalStrength_1_4:572 LTE RSRP = 87 RSRQ = 5 07-01 18:37:47.260 D/RILC ( 545): isNetworkInNrEndc 692 Enter: 0 07-01 18:37:47.260 D/RILC ( 545): isNetworkInNrEndc 719 End, is_NR_ENDC:0 07-01 18:37:47.260 E/RILC ( 545): currentSignalStrengthInd: radioService[0]->mRadioIndication == NULL 07-01 18:38:07.281 D/SIGNAL_STRENGTH( 545): requestSignalStrength:720 iradio_version = 5 07-01 18:38:07.281 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 07-01 18:38:07.291 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-UNICOM",7 07-01 18:38:07.291 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"UNICOM",7 07-01 18:38:07.291 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:38:07.292 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+QENG="servingcell" 07-01 18:38:07.299 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +QENG: "servingcell","NOCONN","LTE","FDD",460,01,4BCC303,331,100,1,5,5,E7DE,-85,-5,-60,27,34 07-01 18:38:07.300 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:38:07.300 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:699 Enter... 07-01 18:38:07.300 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,1;+COPS? 07-01 18:38:07.307 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,0,"CHN-UNICOM",7 07-01 18:38:07.307 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +COPS: 0,1,"UNICOM",7 07-01 18:38:07.307 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:38:07.308 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:767 LTE RSRP=-85 07-01 18:38:07.308 D/CELL_INFO( 545): parseServingCell_234G:802 *count = 1 07-01 18:38:07.308 D/ATC ( 545): AT> AT+CSQ 07-01 18:38:07.316 D/ATC ( 545): AT< +CSQ: 25,99 07-01 18:38:07.316 D/ATC ( 545): AT< OK 07-01 18:38:07.316 D/RADIO_1_4( 545): getSignalStrength_1_4:572 LTE RSRP = 85 RSRQ = 5 07-01 18:38:07.316 D/RILC ( 545): isNetworkInNrEndc 692 Enter: 0 07-01 18:38:07.316 D/RILC ( 545): isNetworkInNrEndc 719 End, is_NR_ENDC:0 07-01 18:38:07.316 E/RILC ( 545): currentSignalStrengthInd: radioService[0]->mRadioIndication == NULL